Today I had assumed the position - which simply means I was sitting on the recliner/rocker in Poppy's bedroom rocking/nursing the baby and talking with Poppy and he said, "man I am so envious of you." I said what do you mean Poppy and he said, "you get to watch him grow up" Wow, those are some serious words - he is so right, I am so lucky and so sad Poppy won't be there for his first steps, his first pretty much everything.
Today my girls all went back home (about 6 hours away) each one of them went in and gave him a big hug and kiss, but my oldest Jessica - that was pretty much torture. Poppy was almost like a father to her in so many ways. I was 18 when I had Jessica, young and still a kid myself. I worked and went to school full time and Poppy would often watch her while I worked or was in class. He would take her to breakfast in her little car seat every Saturday morning. Take her to the movies and make her milk shakes every chance he got. They have a special relationship that is just beyond grandfather/granddaughter plus they are a lot alike. He told her he thought he was dying and she asked him if he thought he would die today and he said' "maybe" she was crying when she left and it just broke my heart to see her go, but it broke his heart to see her cry. Such a sweet man.
When Poppy first got his diagnosis he said, "Don't worry about me honey, I have a pocket full pills in one hand and a pocket full of prayers in the other...I should be covered." Man I really hope it is that simple.
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